Quantitative Analyst

Quantitative Analyst in Michigan

Ref# 1734125947

This Wireless Professional is available for hire.

Contact our Staffing Services Representative at (888) 356-3501, or fill out the form below!

Experience Summary:

We are currently representing an excellent Quantitative Analyst/Predictive Modeler/Financial Statistical Modeler/Financial Analyst/Data Analyst, who has 5 years experience in Applied Economics, Finance Modeling, Statistical and Mathematical Analytics.

Some of her accomplishments include:

  • Development, programming and implementation of the first and only regulatory capital (finance) stress test models (i.e. predictive models) and algorithms for use by a Government Agency.
  • Lead research and analytic initiatives for executive pay compensation and risk-return payoffs within a Government Agency; lead to regulatory changes in executive compensation structure and practices.
  • Participated and consulted on regulatory reforms for the Government Agency’s transition to Basel III compliant risk analytics and oversight.
  • Assisted in creating statistical package for high-level statistical analysis (i.e. bootstrapping procedures, spatial analysis, various distributional supports); main contribution was coding mathematical algorithms in VB .Net, debugging and user-interface development.
  • Authored first published empirical research on novel two-way spatial error component model and contributed to analytic land valuation methods; particularly applied to agricultural real estate/property valuation.

Our candidate is currently based in the Michigan.


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